Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Running for:


This election is on November 5th, 2024

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individual agenda

  • Break up corporate control on government to make our food healthier, stop endless wars, bring economic security to the middle class, clean up the environment, and bring down healthcare costs.
  • Return the middle class to a propserous lifestyle by raising the federal minimum wage to $15/hr, prosecute union busting corporations, expand free childcare, and much more Economy Section of Campaign Site
  • Make housing affordable again through government backed mortgage bonds, bring vacant land and buildings seized by the government back on the market, change zoning laws to allow granny-flats (extra housing units on main properties), tax code changes to disincentivize corporate housing.
  • Pull back resources from the Military Industrial Complex and appropriate those funds at home to help revitalize the nation.
  • Address the humanitarian crisis at the border by sealing the border primarily through modern technology, end the overwhelming of the asylum process, and working with other countries to stem the flow of migrants
  • A strong environmental protection plan including end of corporate control of environmental regulatory agencies, reducing toxic chemical pollution and plastic waste, protecting forests/rivers/fisheries/wildlife habitats, and adopt a wildfire management plan.
  • Address chronic disease by shifting the National Institutes of Health priorities to chronic health prevention. Uproot the influence of Big Pharma and Wall Street on the medical regulatory agencies. Clean up our agricultural system to promote an organic, regenerative system. Start a national fitness program.
  • Policies focused on helping the black community, including investing in black economies, police reform, justice for black farmers, prison reform, and more. Racial Healing Section of Campaign Site
  • Address historic injustices done to Native American populations through honoring the spirit and letter of treaties. Restoration of taken land and resources, compensation for broken treaties, protection and enhancement of natural resources in Indian Country, and restore trust between federal government and Native Americans.
  • Restore our rights through dismantling the censorship-industrial complex, respect the right to privacy and freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures, prevent Covid-era suspension of the right to assembly/trial by jury/freedom of worship/forced business closures. Stop propaganda and targeted leaks. Never weaponize the law against political opponents. End the war on drugs and grant amnesty to nonviolent drug offenders. Shut down the school-to-prison pipeline. Transform the police rather than defund them.
  • Prioritize veterans by establishing a Veterans Council within the Executive Office to give them a "seat at the table" in regards to military policy, including at National Security Council meetings. He also plans to protect and enhance veterans' benefits.
  • Promote and expand Americorps, a program like a hybrid of the Peace Corps and the military, but focused domestically to help young people prepare for adulthood. Volunteers will engage in military style standards, learn vocational skills, and receive similar benefits to that of serving in the military.
  • A "More Choices, More Life" policy on abortion, which focuses on subsidized daycare through redirecting Ukraine war funds. Kennedy believes that by offering universal childcare, we can protect a woman's right to choose but make it less probable to make that choice, thereby reducing the amount of abortions while adding to the GDP through incentivizing new childcare business. He also plans to strengthen adoption infrastructure, increase the child tax credit, and pregnancy support centers.
  • Return to free market energy policies which end subsidies to energy companies and stop taxpayers from covering the cleanup costs when energy companies harm the environment. By returning costs back to the companies, free market principles will help correct their waste and damage, and help shine a light on the efficiencies of clean energy. He will also upgrade the nation's power grid to connect areas to clean energy sources. Citizens will also be able to sell unused energy from sources like solar panels back to the government.
  • He will make sure that clean energy projects are implemented mindfully so as to not cause harm to the environment in the process. Off-shore wind turbines harm the ocean and current mining of rare earth metals is destructive. Placing wind turbines internally within the country and using sodium batteries is less harmful.
  • Tax fairness by doubling the child tax credit, restoring the personal exemption of $5000, increasing standard deduction, and eliminating the carried interest loophole
  • He will promote Healing Farms, places for people to recover from addiction while unplugging from technology, eating organic food, and learning new skills such as regenerative farming, carpenty, plumbing, etc. He wants to fund this through taxes on marijuana.
  • Extensive advocacy of labor and union rights Labor Section of Campaign Site
  • Care for Every Child - a plan focused on making childcare affordable for everyone. This includes 100% subsidized child care for everyone below the poverty line, affordable care to people above the poverty line for children 3 months to 5 years old, and payment to in-home caregivers. He plans to pay for this through redirecting military funds.
  • Be very pro-active in blockchain technology to help protect free speech, the freedom to transact, and be the world's leader in this new technology. Bitcoin/Blockchain Section of Campaign Site


  • Environmental lawyer for 35 years
  • Public Health advocate for nearly 2 decades
  • General political involvement for 40 years
  • Law professor at Pace University for about 20 years