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Election Campaign Timeline

Timeline Introduction

Below is a list of phases and events that I experienced during this year's 5 month long election campaign. During these phases I went from a curious citizen, to a concerned citizen, to slowly learning, to voicing my concern, and finally a quasi-citizen journalist who was ultimately told by one candidate at a public meet and greet that 'you're not welcome here, you ask too many questions. You ought to have enough info by now.' So now, after months of pro-active searching, I am a partially informed voter.

June 2nd - June 6th
Received Sample Primary Ballot
June 6th - July 3rd
Attempt Contact with Candidates and the Daily Journal
July 6th
Make Contact with the Mayor
July 6th – September 3rd (roughly)
Navigating the Labyrinth
September (roughly)
Canraying in the Coal Mine
October (roughly)
Height of Election Season
November 7th
Casted a Partially Informed Vote